

hair color: white
hair length: nape
eye color: purple
skin color: white
height: 5'9", 175 cm
clothing: light gray blazer over dark gray vest over white shirt and purple tie. black pants and loafers


age: 19
birthday: january 29th
pronouns: he/him
gender identity: male
sexuality: biromantic asexual
mbti: INTj
enneagram: 3w2
weapons: handgun
occupation: detective
affiliation: metropolitan police force
skills: problem solving, deduction, hand to hand combat


puts on a nice facade, and is generally friendly. underneath, however, he's constantly annoyed at the world (lots of underlying anger issues). when he likes someone, he can be genuinely nice and fun to hang out with, but if he doesn't, all of his actions will feel a bit forced. very closed off about personal matters. easily flustered, but good at keeping cool under pressure. easily lost in thought and good at telling others what they want to hear.


he grew up with his single mother. they were really close. when he was nine, though, she was caught in a villain attack and killed. after that, akira bounced around from foster home to foster home, some of which... weren't so great. when he was 16, he ran across a crime scene, and was able to solve it in minutes. the metropolitan police force took note of him after that, and hired him as a junior detective. after a few months he was promoted and is now in charge of the search for the articae - but his driving force in what he does is finding the villain who killed his mother. at some point, when he was investigating the scene of one of the articae's attacks, he met levi. obviously, he tried to arrest him, but he couldn't manage it. they kept running into each other after that, and though they said they hated each other, they really didn't.


levi (boyfriend)
alice (enemy?, associate)
cas (enemy?)
demi (enemy?)
ryi (enemy?)
ezra (enemy?)

streamer au

Alias: NoNViolet, violet
Alignment: neutral good
Variety: mystery games, puzzle games, and leveling games, as well as true crime streams
Interactions: mostly only interacts with Unwritten, but joins Eclipse’s streams sometimes
Facecam: sometimes